Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back to School...of Rock!

Although Katie graduated from college in 2006 and I graduated from college in 2007, we both decided to go back to school one more time on August 15th. Our teachers were none other than Honor Society. They performed in front of an all ages audience at the School of Rock East in South Hackensack, New Jersey.

The bus -- er -- car ride to New Jersey was no ordinary car ride. As we were driving into the city, I noticed that the sun was leaving us and we were heading into a storm. I got a little excited while we were driving over the George Washington Bridge because the sky was dark and greenish and there were bolts of lightning. In my eyes, it was gorgeous, so I had to take pictures:

Of course, the entire time we were driving over the bridge I was yelling to Katie "Look at that!," "Do you see the color in the sky?!," "It's not even dark over Manhattan!" Did I mention that Katie was driving?

As soon as we passed over the bridge, the sky opened up. It was raining so hard that everyone reduced their speed by 20 mph. It was insane. We couldn't even pull over because there wasn't a shoulder.

When we hit South Hackensack, the rain had let up, but the sky was still dark and dreary-looking. We drove to McDonald's to make a pit stop and to eat (well, I ate because I was starving). Then we headed to the School of Rock. We sat in the parking lot for awhile and watched as girls began to form a line. It began to rain again and a guy walked out (everyone was actually standing at a secondary door), looked at everyone and asked why they weren't home, since there was a...... tornado warning!!!!!
That explains why the sky was so green. Anyway, after this guy told the girls that there was a tornado warning, the girls were allowed to go inside through the other door (the real entrance) in School of Rock.
Honor Society was the first band to perform. We got to see the guys set up, do a soundcheck and of course rock out!

The set list for the show was as follows:
This Bed Is An Ocean
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Why Didn't I?
No Win Situation
Two Rebels
Nobody Has To Know
The Takeover
See U In The Dark

(From left to right: Katie, Andrew, Michael, Alex, Lauren and Jason)

Katie's signed poster.

Enjoy these awesome videos and pictures

1 comment:

kat said...

haha that rain was intense! glad you guys made it :)