Friday, February 20, 2009

Lots of Updates!


Be sure to head on over to Honor Society's Youtube
and be sure to subscribe so you won't miss out on any of their videos!

2 million!
Hey everyone!

We're just shy of 2,000,000 profile views on our myspace page!!

Help us reach the 2 MIL milestone by visiting our page today (or tonight) and encouraging your friends to do the same!

Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel:

www. youtube. com/honorsociety

and prepare for more videos coming soon!

much love and much duh,
the gentlemen of Honor Society

New Merch!
The "Gallery" T-Shirt, which I had posted here - is now available on It won't have the limited back graphic, but the front still has the cool framed drawings of the guys.

We're currently in the recording studio, working on our first full-length record.

In the meantime, you can find some of our other music on iTunes...just click the link below or go to the iTunes Music Store and search for Honor Society!


Fan Memories
If you went to the Irving Plaza show - please a) send your review and a couple pictures to AND b) submit your memories to the Honor Society Support Team's Fan Memories project

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